We believe that it is imperative that our students are equipped to develop their learning with beyond the classroom.  To support this, each subject has its own google classroom for each year group, or in some cases each class.  Assignments will be uploaded covering the work that is being done in class.  While we place a great emphasis on powerful subject knowledge as a key driver for success, the work will also support the development of power skills skills such as creative thinking and digital literacy.

Early Years- (RECEPTION Class)

Remote learning will be provided by the reception team through your child’s Tapestry app. If you require additional support regarding access to Tapestry please contact Mr Blanthorn through the contact pages on the website.

Key Stage One- (Years 1/)

Remote learning will be provided by the Key Stage One team using the SeeSaw app. If you require support accessing your child’s class on See Saw please contact the Key Stage One team through the contact pages on the website.

Key stage 2 – (Years 3/4/5/6)

Key Stage 2 Google Classroom Codes
Year 3 Orca: 4ywq7jm
Turtle: l6rhu2n
Year 4
Penguin: w5fpg2a
Year 5 Narwhal: iqtt66d
Stingray: ahdsgnf
Year 6 Rainbow Starfish: ytvdj5a

Year 7


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Maths  7gblazr
History gtgzv5x
English 3mboxit
Geography 66r2brn
French 7tijvws
PSHE m4l4dr3


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Art  ktyfb6o
Science 5ekiols
PE ooae6m6
Drama envt5wj
Music  zzxacxx
Practical Technologies  s6yynwb

Year 8


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Maths  op73bte
History rwgebd5
English ecok776
Geography au4sksx
French p2zz2ig
PSHE tuvvtrb


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Art  pn5n7cw
Science wbxoqss
PE 7kxkhnu
Drama hqne7ku
Music  csdlped
Practical Technologies  zudxmhy

Year 9


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Maths  gnrb4jl
History 5njfz62
English bjg7jgs
Geography n3o3dea
French e6s4l26
PSHE tvit4u5


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Art  mdvypo7
Science gd6fuxc
PE 2so37pf
Drama zeek2fy
Music  heudscg
Practical Tech  eu5hnpq
Computer Science j47oesk

Year 10


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Maths  Foundation kdynfds  

higher fapbalc

History d5i5syz
English 7kuse4l
Geography b5go4j4
French qlg5llg
PE qpe52ju
Drama 6rupjvh
Music  ktvbmoy


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Art  wete7jn
Philosophy and ethics  z6kmkzq
Health and social care  glkiijr
Science uqr5ijh
Business 5oavk6s
Hospitality  fkwagxk
Engineering oxoqun2

Year 11


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Maths  ofje3y7 – HIGHER 

gltdo4l- FOUNDATION 

History uuof6me
English 4e4nsd6
Geography fh6hi2q
French as3uia6
PSHE bqsz6to
PE Core  4wdddyw  
Drama pydsewn
Music  n4gvufw
Hospitality  zhc33dq


Google classroom name/ subject  Classroom code 
Art  763fp6c
Science 5hwy2re
OCR Engineering 7xmwa64
Year 11 Music 2020/25 n4gvufw
Business hjgsyo2
GCSE PE  J2p435f
Health and social care  fhwfxva
Travel and Tourism  vxcfb4e

You may be aware that we are using Seneca Learning to support our students’ digital learning. Seneca offers high-quality free online learning courses for students to study from a computer, tablet or phone. Seneca also provides free parent accounts. Their free parent accounts allow you to track your child’s learning and help make conversations about school and learning easier. 

Seneca’s parent accounts also allow you to learn alongside your child if you wish to do so. This might be helpful in supporting you to work with your child on areas of their school work that you are less familiar with.You can sign up for a free Seneca parent account here: app.senecalearning.com/parent

Seneca have made this handy 2 minute video to help you get started.  Or you can read how to get your free account if you’d prefer.  You can also click here to sign up for a free webinar on how you can use Seneca to help your child. 

If you have any questions about how Seneca works, you can get support from the Seneca team using the live chat on their website or you can email them at learnmore@seneca.io

In addition to our subject classrooms, Tutor Classrooms support our well-being and pastoral curriculum and are a safe space for students to discuss the world in which they live today.

Where next

Admissions and Appeals

Admission Information The admission arrangements for the Academy, subject to any changes approved by the Secretary of State, for subsequent years are: In the primary…

Apply for a place at Atlantic Academy

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