At Atlantic Academy our vision is to deliver an authentic education for children from Reception to Year 11.
The aim of our curriculum is to ensure all students are inspired with a passion for learning and equipped to achieve high levels of academic success across a broad range of subjects whilst at the same time equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to play an active and successful role in today’s highly competitive and fast-changing world.
At Atlantic Academy students are with us from the age of 4 to 16, during this time we deliver a curriculum that is challenging, engaging and inspirational to our students. Our curriculum is designed to build on prior learning and is relevant to the students in our Academy, is ambitious and encourages creativity, celebrated diversity and utilised the abilities, expertise and cultural expertise of the local community of Portland and beyond to develop students who are equipped to play a key role in the ever changing world around them.
At Atlantic Academy, our curriculum is grounded by the National Curriculum, ensuring a broad and balanced education for all students. We strive to provide a knowledge-rich learning experience where students not only acquire essential information but also learn to apply it effectively to real-world situations and challenges. This approach fosters deeper understanding and meaningful connections across disciplines.
We are committed to creating an engaging and challenging learning environment that inspires every student to achieve their potential. Through both single-discipline and Applied Learning, we broaden knowledge acquisition and encourage innovative thinking. By focusing on the application of knowledge, we help students develop transferable skills that prepare them for future success.
High rates of progress are a priority for all our students, and our teachers play a vital role in achieving this. We promote thoughtful and manageable planning that supports the curriculum’s success and ensures a seamless progression in learning. At Atlantic Academy, we are dedicated to equipping students with the tools they need to excel in an ever-changing world.