Atlantic aims to deal with any situations that arises swiftly and fairly. Bullying or harassment of any kind is unacceptable. If bullying does occur, students should be able to report it, with knowing that incidents will be dealt with effectively.
Anyone who knows that bullying is happening to themselves or anyone else, is expected to tell a member of staff. Atlantic have zero tolerance on bullying in the academy.
Reports will be confidential and will go to a senior member of staff and our behaviour manager. Our anti-bullying policy can be found here.
What Is Bullying?
Bullying is any deliberate, hurtful, upsetting, frightening or threatening behaviour by an individual or a group towards other people. It is repeated over a period of time and it is very difficult for the victims to defend themselves (remember STOP – it happens Several Times On Purpose).
If you are aware of any situation where bullying has occurred:
- within Atlantic Academy
- to a Atlantic Academy student
- by a Atlantic Academy student
please complete the form below and click Submit to send it to us. Your information will help us in our goal to eradicate bullying from our school.
Thank you for supporting us in this. And please be aware that the information you share with us will be handled responsibly and sensitively in the best interests of all parties involved in the incident.