Curriculum delivery methods and approaches (how the topics are covered)
Deliberate Practice
Use of well thought out Knowledge Organisers for homework and independent learning
All units of work across all EBacc subjects have a Knowledge Organiser that runs alongside them. The Knowledge Organisers contain the most powerful knowledge from each of the topics that are studied.
For students in Key Stage 3, as well as an half-an-hour Knowledge Organiser self quizzing homework, students alternate Maths Key Skills work and Reading (3 times a week each). In Year 7, Maths Key Skills and Reading homework also alternate with independent, self-regulated homework based on their ATL work.
In EYFS, knowledge organisers are used to support parents in understanding the knowledge being delivered at school and how they can continue this work at home. In KS1 and KS2, pupils use knowledge organisers to summarise the key knowledge needed within a unit of work and learn with support from parents or teaching staff. Knowledge organisers are used within the classroom in the primary phase to support pupils in understanding more difficult definitions allowing pupils to access a wider range of content. Students’ work match the curriculum aims Teachers have a common understanding of the school’s curriculum aims
Our Programme of education was built as a collaborative process that sequenced learning across subject and Key Stage teams. It was designed with the needs of our students at its core.
Assessment linked to development of cumulative knowledge 6 weekly (primary) and 12 weekly (secondary) PPE weeks ensure that our knowledge of students as learners is robust and triangulates with the work that is done in class and homework across each unit as well as inter-weaved through units.
Sequencing of units of learning building of secure and substantive knowledge Work in books is of high quality Regular ESLT/student discussions around learning and knowledge matches the work seen in books. Books and discussions demonstrate a high level of knowledge, a high level of pride in their work and the confidence to speak and be proud of their achievements.
SEND and Disadvantaged achieve well due to curriculum meeting their needs Work is scaffolded in such a way that all students are able to access learning in a way that is most appropriate. Forensic analysis of the learning gaps of students allows staff to offer the most appropriate interventions that will close the gap to where they need to be.
Teacher subject knowledge (used to promote discussions, understanding is checked systematically, misconceptions identified and addressed, and teaching is adapted to address to students’ needs)
Collaborative planning in teams ensures that teaching methods are consistent all staff are secure in their understanding and delivery of lessons. Teachers and leaders use assessment well to check understanding and inform teaching Use of professional development to ensure quality of pedagogy .
Atlantic Academy staff passionately believe in bringing out the best in everyone. To facilitate this, staff provide the best for everyone. Therefore, outstanding teaching and learning is fundamental to all that we do at Atlantic. To this end, we have researched what our students need in order to make outstanding progress and have adopted an internationally recognised approach to delivering outstanding lessons, based on academic research. This research in practice can be seen at a macro and micro level in planning and delivery of lessons.
Spaced Practice – Use of do nows and PPEs ensure that full use is made of the “forgetting curve”. Students have time to revisit knowledge at intervals when they might have forgotten it, this cementing it in their long term memory
Retrieval – Knowledge Organisers are used for homework, self-quizzing and for chanting, ensuring that key knowledge is easily retrievable.
Interleaving – The curriculum as a whole, and groups of lessons, are sequenced in such as way that connections between knowledge are cumulative and impactful. The programme of education is designed to maximise the threading together of the most powerful knowledge.
Dual Coding – teams share practice and planning to provide visual stimuli and connections to knowledge that cement them in the long term memory
Concrete examples – as above. Concrete examples are pre-planned and shared to ensure that learning that comes from them is secure, effective and clear.
Elaboration – Planning and learning allows for knowledge to be elaborated upon and built on to secure it firmly in the long-term memory.
Use of resources reflects ambitious intent for the curriculum
Our approach to teaching and learning supports our curriculum by ensuring that lessons build on prior learning and provide sufficient opportunity for guided and independent practice. We have used Barak Rosenshine Principles of Instruction (2012) and our own experience of what works in the classroom.
Challenge is seen in all lessons so that all students complete demanding work.
The short Unit 4 at the end of the school year is used to consolidate and interleave. This ensures that key knowledge is secure and can be responsive to the end of year assessments.
At Atlantic Academy, we believe that a well-thought-out curriculum which meets the needs of students should lead to at least good results for students which reflect what they have learned. The impact of the curriculum is evaluated through the following measures:
The percentage of students who achieve at least expected academic progress and high levels of attainment in national assessments and examinations such as GCSE, KS2 SATS, GCE A level
Progress and attainment of current students across Key Stages
Reading Test data (ARP data; NGRT ; Probe testing to identify if students require further intervention from our in house programmes (Reading recovered; Think reading or Paired reading )
‘Cultural Capital’ for disadvantaged and students with SEND
The range of high level 21st century skills developed by students
Destinations data – The percentage of students entering skilled employment or higher levels of study
The percentage of learning that is challenging and engaging
Attendance data
Engagement in enrichment activities
Pupil Voice
Curriculum Content
The curriculum incorporates the National Curriculum 2014 statutory requirements and Department of Education guidance. Supplementary to this, the curriculum of the school reflects the local context and development needs of students.