Atlantic Academy – Inspiring character, commitment and confidence
By providing an outstanding all through provision we will transform the lives of all of our students; inspiring them to have the confidence, character and commitment to realise their full potential.
To improve the character, commitment and confidence of all our students we will continue to deliver our engaging curriculum, improve outcomes and provide opportunities for cultural enrichment.
Mission Objectives
Our Core Principals are underpinned by the Aspirations Trusts values and ethos. We are developing an educational framework that delivers high aspirations, high levels of academic performance and the development of the skills required for success in the 21st century workplace: No limits: Education for success in the 21st century
The core principles of this framework are:
Self-worth, Engagement, Purpose
High expectations
Innovation and Enterprise
Challenge and Engagement
Talent Development
Makers and Creators
With big dreams and hard work anything is possible