In-Year Admissions for any Year group at Atlantic

We have places available at Atlantic Academy.

• All applications made during the academic year (in year admissions) must be made directly to the Local Authority in which the child lives. The online application process for Portland can be found at

• All such applications will be considered and if the year group applied for has a place available the Academy will admit the child unless the applicant has significant behavioural issues, in which case the child will be referred to the Local Authority Fair Access panel. (Such refusals will only occur where the student concerned has been previously excluded from two or more schools or where special circumstances apply as specified in the Admissions Code. However, the Secretary of State may direct the Academy to admit such students and such a direction will be binding.) If more applications are received than there are places available, the oversubscription criteria above for Reception or Year 7 Parents whose application is turned down are entitled to appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel.

• Waiting list for in-year admissions will be in operation until the end of the academic year.

• Although most children will be admitted to the Academy within their own age group, the Academy will makedecisions on the year group of entry on the basis of the circumstances of each individual case. Parents do not have a right of Appeal if a place is offered in a year group other than the year group in which they applied for.

Please contact the Academy directly for any in year admission enquiries Email:

Where next

Admissions and Appeals

Admission Information The admission arrangements for the Academy, subject to any changes approved by the Secretary of State, for subsequent years are: In the primary…

Apply for a place at Atlantic Academy

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